Application - NSW Going Global Export Program

The expression of interest form will expire after 20 minutes. You must complete this in one session (you cannot save and return to it later).

Please review the questions and gather your information before starting. If you have an Export Plan, you may wish to reference it when answering some questions. 

Businesses with 200 or more employees are not eligible to participate in the Program  *except for ‘METS to Indonesia’ the maximum number of employees is 299 (note, the exception is confined to the METS stream only)

Businesses with 2 or less employees are not eligible to participate in the Going Global Export Program

This does not meet the the eligibility criteria

300 words or less

100 words or less

100 words or less

Tech companies can write 'N/A'

100 words or less

100 words or less

300 words or less

100 words or less

Check out the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade privacy collection notice and Privacy Policy for more information

Consent to be contacted about other activities

From time to time the Department may contact email subscribers about its programs and activities (for example, we may invite subscribers to participate in surveys). Check the box below if you agree to the Department using your personal information to communicate with you about its other activities.